Current Students
Jennifer Carney, Director of Student Services
Office: 550 Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-7442
Robert Hearne, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 636 Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-6494
SSC calendar scheduler
William Wilson, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 634 Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-7472
Siew Lim, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 548 Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-8819
Erik Hanson, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 628 Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-5747
SSC calendar scheduler
Anupa Sharma, Ph.D., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 400G Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-7448
SSC Calendar scheduler
James, Caton, Ph.D., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 400C Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-7337
Dragan Miljkovic, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 614A Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-9519
David C. Roberts, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Phone: (701) 231-9796
Office: 544 Barry Hall
Cheryl Wachenheim, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 520 Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-7452
Jeremy Jackson, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 400B Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-7832
SSC calendar scheduler
Thomas Krumel, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 402 Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-5374
Keri Lawson, PhD., Agribusiness, Ag Econ & Econ
Office: 400E Barry Hall
Phone: (701) 231-1871
The Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics annually awards approximately $100,000 to students in Agribusiness and Applied Economics who demonstrate initiative and scholastic achievement. All Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics majors are encouraged to check specific scholarship application criteria regardless of grade point average since several scholarships are awarded on a geographical basis, on a need basis only, or other specific qualifications. Recipients of departmental scholarships are selected by the Agribusiness and Applied Economics Scholarship Committee.
See the complete list of scholarships offered through the College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources, including scholarships for Agribusiness and Applied Economics students.
To complete the online scholarship application, please use the following link and click on the "apply now" button. Sign in using your blackboard credentials. Click on "complete your general application" at the top of the page.
In order to see information on scholarships specific to the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources or your department, use the show filters button.
There are External Scholarship Opportunities administered outside of NDSU that are listed on the scholarship home page. These are scholarships that have separate application procedures. Follow instructions that are specific to these scholarships. They may also have their own deadlines.
Be sure to observe the criteria and deadline for each scholarship. It is the student's responsibility to submit the application and respond to all additional information requested.
Scholarships are also available to high school seniors and transfer students who plan to major in Agricultural Economics or Agribusiness. Applications may be completed at
Loans, grants, and general scholarships are available through the University Financial Aid Office. There are also a number of scholarships awarded each year to students enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources. Application for College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources scholarships is done by completing the NDSU General Scholarship form. By listing the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources and their major on this form, students are automatically eligible for all College general scholarships. For more information and a listing of scholarships available through the College, see College of Ag Scholarship Program.
Several scholarships are also available from organizations outside the Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department. These scholarships must be applied for separately from Agribusiness and Applied Economics Departmental Scholarships and many have application due dates which differ from the Departmental due date. Recipients of these other scholarships are selected by the individual organizations.
Questions concerning scholarships may be directed to Jennifer Carney, Barry Hall 550, or the Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics.
Want additional help applying for scholarships? Go to or
The Honor System is a process of student self-governing for those enrolled in courses in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources (CAFSNR). It operates on the premise that most students are honest and perform best in situations where their honesty, and the honesty of others, is not in doubt. Its primary function is to support the principles of integrity and honor, which are the cornerstones of academic success. The Honor System acts to limit academic dishonesty through the use of student self-supervision and to penalize those who are dishonest through the use of peer evaluation and penalty.
Under the Honor System, the chief responsibility for proctoring examinations, quizzes, and assignments lies with the individuals enrolled in the course. Under the Honor System, students themselves complete academic activities as assigned and counsel or report those who do not.
The CAFSNR Honor Commission is the student body that educates students, staff, and faculty about the Honor System and evaluates cases of academic misconduct. It consists of nine undergraduate students and one graduate student who call witnesses, hear evidence, and recommend penalties in cases of academic dishonesty. Three freshmen members are selected annually by the standing Commission to serve a three-year term beginning their second year. The graduate student member is selected annually by the Commission. One faculty member from CAFSNR is elected by the standing Honor Commission to serve a three-year term. Names of the members of the Honor Commission are available from the Associate Dean for Academic Programs’ office in 315 Morrill Hall.
The Honor System was proposed by the NDSU student government in 1955. After study and acceptance by a committee of students and faculty, students in the College of Agriculture voted to establish the Honor System in their college for a trial period of one year. At the end of that period, the students of the college voted to continue the Honor System. In elections held every four years since that time, students have voted in favor of the Honor System. A two-thirds majority of the votes cast is needed to continue the system.
Each instructor is requested to include a description of the Honor System on their syllabi and to explain it to the students taking their course. The honor pledge is “On my honor I have neither given nor received aid in completing this assignment.” This statement should be included on all examinations, quizzes, papers, problem sets, and any other materials designated as individual efforts that are required for completion of the class. Instructors are asked to reject any individual assignments that do not include a signed pledge. If academic dishonesty is suspected by the instructor or brought to attention of the instructor by a student, the instructor should address the issue with the Honor Commission. Assigning the task of evaluation and penalty to the peers of the accused maintains the principles of integrity held by the college, conveys that academic dishonesty is not the accepted standard within their peer group, and reduces the instructor’s time obligation. If academic misconduct is found, the instructor may accept or modify the penalty recommended by the Honor Commission.
Each student must read and sign honor pledge as designated on assignments or exams. It is the student’s responsibility to take actions that will contribute to the elimination of academic dishonesty. If a student witnesses academic misconduct, he or she may attempt to correct the situation by announcing that academic dishonesty is occurring, by speaking to the individual, or by reporting the incident. As a rule, the identity of the student who witnesses the academic misconduct is held in confidence. As a self-governing entity, students are encouraged to suggest modifications to improve the Honor System. These suggestions can be offered through the Associate Dean for Academic Programs’ office or to any member of the Honor Commission.
A student may report a violation of the Honor Code in person or in writing to the instructor, the Honor Commission, or the Associate Dean for Academic Programs in CAFSNR. If possible, violations should be reported within one week of witnessing academic dishonesty. Instructors are strongly encouraged to use the Honor Commission to demonstrate that academic dishonesty is not tolerated by members of the faculty or by the students of the College. Names of the members of the Honor Commission are available from the Associate Dean for Academic Programs' office located at 315 Morrill Hall, phone 231-8790.
When a case of potential academic dishonesty is reported, the Honor Commission will meet to review the pertinent evidence as soon as is reasonably possible (usually within two weeks of the date the misconduct is reported). The Commission has the power to call witnesses and to take testimony. If, from the evidence presented, the Commission determines that a violation has taken place, it will recommend disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, failure or grade reduction in the course; failure or grade reduction on the examination, quiz, paper or project in question; or faculty recommendation for suspension or expulsion. A report of the Commission's findings and recommendation is given to both the instructor and the accused student.
Actions of the Honor Commission are confidential. No cases are discussed outside of the Commission meetings. The identities of witnesses and other individuals connected with a case are not revealed, even to other individuals involved in that particular case. Anonymous summaries of all cases are reported to the CAFSNR Associate Dean for Academic Programs annually.
An appeal of the Honor Commission's decision and/or recommendation can be made to the Student Progress Committee of CAFSNR by the accused or the instructor involved. Appeals are to be made through the Associate Dean for Academic Programs' office within two weeks of the Honor Commission's recommendation. The appeals process shall be as outlined in North Dakota State University Rights and Responsibilities of Community: A Code of Student Behavior, Part B, Related University Policy Statements, XI, - Academic Dishonesty - Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct.
A copy of the operating procedures for the Honor Commission is on file in the Associate Dean for Academic Program's Office, 315 Morrill Hall, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58108-6050.