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Undergraduate Programs


A diverse range of undergraduate programs (majors) are offered in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources (CAFSNR).

Academic Advisors

Academic advisors assist first- and second-year undergraduate students, as well as undergraduate transfer students, with course selection and planning to meet their academic and career goals. Upper class undergraduate students transition to a faculty advisor in their major's home department.

  • Jennifer Carney - Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, and Economics
  • Cody Englund - Agricultural Education, Agricultural Sciences, Animal Science, Biotechnology, Equine Science, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Food Science, Microbiology, Veterinary Technology 
  • Joel Hanson - Precision Agriculture Technology and Management
  • Grant Klevgaard - Crop and Weed Sciences, Horticulture and Urban Agriculture, and Natural Resources Management

Learn more about academic advising at the NDSU Career and Advising Center.

CAFSNR Undergraduate Programs

For more information about the academic programs listed above, visit

Additional Opportunities

A major in agricultural communication is available through the NDSU College of Arts and Sciences.

A major in agricultural engineering is available through the NDSU College of Engineering.